GK and her Pips present the Best Song nominees for the 1975 Grammys. Gladys actually SINGS them, in turn, making the original performers appear a tad less talented.
I've been listening to Animal Collective's latest while cleaning my just-moved-out-of apartment of four years. The two experiences compliment one another...both are echo-ey, cavernous and a little melancholy.
Truly, a great album. And how 'bout that nauseatingly, trippy album cover?
yes, I am a sucker for packaging. especially DVD packaging. I even considered buying the reissue of SALO, which I could probably never stomach to watch again, purely on the basis of it's design.
so on the advent of the release, on March 24th, of The Venture Bros. Season 3, I'm showcasing the consistently rad artwork that Adult Swim has been implementing for its equally rad cartoons on DVD.
ok. so I could go on about celebrity, image, mortality andall sorts of other theoretical hoo-haw...but the meat ofthis matter is a kind of humbling honesty and an alternate take on "naked celebrities". way to go, W... Chuck Close...and, of course, Brad with his gaping pores and eye cream-deprived wrinkles.
whether it's Liars and Tapes N' Tapes using the inside walls ofan elevator and a foosball table (respectively) as drums, or thestripped down, organic a cappella harmonies of Fleet Foxesand Grizzly Bear, these voyeuristic (and, at times, down-right claustrophobic) videos ("short films"?) are fer-seriously worth a fine-tooth combing.
I love, love, love, love this movie. Just watched it again yesterday for the gazillionth time.If you've never seen it, rent it, Netflix queue it, whatever. just see it.
In this clip, Dick Shawn (who you might remember as the lead in "Springtime for Hitler" in the original The Producers) is oblivious to a ringing phone as he acts like a complete maniac with his facially stoic go-go-ing gal pal.