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totally Goldenwatch it HERE
his website bio reads, "Nicholas was born in 1981. He lives
and works in Toronto." short and sweet, but what it leaves
out is... 'he's awesome'.
check out his WEBSITE
the new exhibit, called "The Snow Yak", is winter-themed
and opens February 9th, 2009more images HERE
I love, love, love, love this movie. Just watched it again yesterday
for the gazillionth time. If you've never seen it, rent it, Netflix queue
it, whatever. just see it.In this clip, Dick Shawn (who you might remember as the lead in
"Springtime for Hitler" in the original The Producers) is oblivious
to a ringing phone as he acts like a complete maniac with his
facially stoic go-go-ing gal pal.
Sharks are cool.
"Caligula" (above) and "Phantom Vessel" (below)